I don’t have any idea of what it might be like to be a twin. I would imagine that as a child, you always have someone to play (and fight) with; as an adult, you always have a friend and confidant. I also imagine that up to a point, almost every single thing you do in life is shared with your twin. I could be totally off base here, but that is why I decided to write Maddie and Laura’s blog posts separately even though they shared a session. They are both amazing girls and they deserve their own spotlight—if only for a brief second, if only on this blog. They both have accomplished so much is their short time on Earth so far, and I want to brag about them. Separately.

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Maddie is from a large blended family. She is one of seven. Her siblings range from a sophomore in college to a third-grader. On May 28th, Maddie graduated 9th in her class, finishing ahead of about 100 other seniors. She was a member of the National Honor Society. Maddie participated in the band where she was a principle player and a section leader. She also was active in the FFA raising goats and lambs. She served as the Chapter Historian and advanced to state competition for Parliamentary Procedure twice. She placed in the top ten both times (6th and 8th). Maddie also served as her high school’s yearbook editor. She was also a very cheerful cheerleader earning a leadership award and All-American status. Her favorite subject was English and she has a special place in her heart for Mrs. Zuniga.
Her volunteer activities included performing at the Argent Court (an assisted-living center), working in a booth for Relay for Life and FFA at the Strawberry Festival, and cheering at the Special Olympics. She was also a member of Rachel’s Challenge—an organization meant to motivate, educate and bring positive change to many young people.
When Maddie isn’t excelling academically, she loves to dance! She received two National Dance Scholarships to Myrtle Beach, acceptance to summer intensives for the Joffery Ballet, highest scoring senior dance with her tap solo at the Thunderstruck Dance Competition, and accepted into the dance program at A&M (where she will pursue a double major in dance and physical therapy). Maddie hopes to one day own her own dance studio.
Prior to our session, I asked Maddie what she was expecting from the session with me. Her response was sooo sweet and something I would have never said as a high schooler. In addition to capturing her true and real self, Maddie asked me to capture love and bond between her and her sister. That is remarkably sweet.
San Antonio Senior Portraits
If you’d like to see all the images from this portrait session, please enjoy this video. (I apologize for not having separate videos for these two beautiful girls!)
The post, Maddie’s San Antonio Senior Portraits, first appeared on Ata-Girl Photography Co.’s website and blog. Please feel free to comment here, or share this post with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Please email me if you have any questions about this article or want to share a neat idea for a future blog post with me.