Andrew & Amanda’s Destination Wedding
Who knew that only the second wedding I photographed would be considered a destination wedding? The evening prior to the wedding, I drove to Kosse, Texas… a 470 mile round trip.
San Antonio Destination Wedding
Andrew and Amanda’s love story began at youth church camp. They’d see each other every summer, and it wasn’t too long before their love blossomed into something special. When Andrew graduated from high school, he decided to serve his country and enlisted in the United States Army. There would be no more summer meetings at church camp. So, Andrew quickly decided to surprise Amanda with a proposal over the Christmas holidays her senior year in high school. They decided to marry as soon as Amanda graduated. Really! Within a week of her graduating from high school, they’d be tying the knot!
While Andrew was completing his soldier training, Amanda and her mom tidied up all the plans for the cozy and intimate affair. Amanda’s maid-of-honor would be her little sister and her bridesmaids would be some of her best friends from high school. The groomsmen would be Andrew’s training buddies. Both families nestled in the small church at the corner of Monroe and Narcissus to witness the nuptials. Silver and yellow garnished the wedding party, the church, and the reception hall. Andrew and Amanda drove away to their honeymoon in a shower of yellow confetti. Where’d they go? Why back visit old friends from church camp, of course.