Who am I? (Part 2)
Last week, I wrote about sitting in Sal Cincotta’s platform class at the 2014 WPPI as he challenged the audience to take a strength finder test. For $9.99, the Gallup Strength Center will administer an online exam to decipher your top five talents or strengths. By knowing and better understanding the natural tools I use in my everyday life, I can better service my clients, and in essence, fortify my business. I can use these strengths to become a better businesswoman, a better artist, a better person and an even better San Antonio wedding photographer.
The first two strengths I detailed were belief and input. Basically, these talents refer to my integrity and curiosity. I am honest, transparent and I always want what is best for my customer. I have a wide range of interests and that enables me to easily build connections with people.
San Antonio Wedding Photographer
# 3: Consistency: Gallup Strengths Center indicates that I like to treat people fairly and impartially; I view everyone as equals and give them respect. I am a guardian of what is right and just and I like clear rules that apply to everyone. I am opposed to special favors and I enjoy a consistent environment. I like people to know what is expected, predictable and evenhanded. The talent of consistency is also strongly related to my talent of belief which involves integrity, respect and trustworthiness.
I absolutely agree with consistency though I’ve been using the term “OCDness” to describe this talent for years. It aggravates me when people don’t drive within the defined lanes of a parking lot and instead cross it willy-nilly. If my dish washing soap isn’t in the correct corner of the sink’s edge facing the precisely-right angle, it aggravates me. I’m a stickler for grammar and punctuation (though my proofreading stinks)! I think consistency is a sure way to strengthen my photography by causing me to always check the basics: composition, balance, lighting, content, etc. Over the years, I’ve developed a routine or set of rules. Now, it’s very hard to deviate from this because of my consistency. However, because of my maximizier talent (see below), I’m also always working to improve the routine to maximum benefit.
Although I didn’t know it was “consistency,” I’ve always said that if mankind had more patience and followed more of the rules, this world would be so much better. When I’m in public, this is what aggravates me the most—people who are in a hurry and don’t give proper respect to the rest of us and those who don’t follow the rules—oftentimes, they’re one in the same!
#2: Maximizer: Being a maximizer means that I can juggle lots of deadlines, but I make the most out of my time. I enjoy new technology to help me work smarter and increase my efficiency. I’m a hard worker. I like to learn from the best to develop my own pursuit of excellence. I bring ideas to life. I focus on quality and continue working toward mastery. I love discussing plans and projects with other people.
Being that I’m a maximizer is probably what guided me to the 2014 WPPPI in the first place—to learn skills from the best in the wedding photography industry. It also created an opportunity to meet new people to discuss plans and projects with. I enjoy studying success in order to have success in my own life. I make it a point to touch on photography in some way every. single. day. It can be reading, practicing, experimenting, buying, listening, comparing, networking, studying, absorbing, or observing—but every single day, I make a conscious and deliberate effort to improve my photography skill.
Stay tuned next week! I’ll detail my strongest talent and explore how it can make me an even better photographer! Be photographed.
I am a San Antonio-based wedding and senior photographer who started Ata-Girl Photography Co., LLC in 2010. As one of the up-and-coming San Antonio wedding photographers, I am also available to shoot in Austin, Houston and Dallas and the surrounding areas. I am also available for destination weddings worldwide. Ata-Girl Photography Co. offers an amazing wedding photography service that you won’t soon forget. As a professional photographer, my sole purpose is to provide you the absolute best photography experience.
I am a professional photographer who enjoys documenting the important milestones and captivating moments in people’s lives. I firmly believe that the unique set of circumstances I have faced in life has prepared me to take a personal and genuine interest in my photography clients. When I’m not photographing a wedding, family or high school senior, I love hiking, cycling, reading, listening to Elvis and most importantly, I enjoy seeing my daughters happy!
The post, Who am I? (Part 2), first appeared on Ata-Girl Photography Co’s website and blog. Please feel free to comment here, or share this post with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Please email me if you have any questions about this article or want to share a neat idea for a future blog post with me.