Here is the latest installment of Fame and Shame—a small peek into my life!

- World Discord: I saw this quote today… “When the power of love becomes greater than the love of power, we shall know world peace.” This especially true of the world we are living in and especially true of American politics right now.
- Presidential Hopefuls: I’m not going to mention any names, but there are several people running for the American presidency who act like disrespectful children. I wonder if the Queen Elizabeth would ever insult another man’s family jewels? We need more class in American politics.
- Apathetic Voters: People, no matter what you stand for, get out and vote!

- Spring: Spring is such an incredibly beautiful time of year. The weather is warming and the flowers are blooming! The beauty alone inspires me to get out of the house to camp, hike, cycle, run, backpack, or cruise with the top down. I love this time of year, but have to admit the dog days of summer are my favorite. Call me crazy, but I love the hot, hot days!!
- Medical Advancements: If all goes well, I may not need any sort of aids to help me see by the beginning of summer. I’m planning to have a refractive lens exchange performed on both of my eyes in the coming months. If my retinas are well enough (not weak and not subject to tearing), I’ll be able to go through with the surgery. What I’m not looking forward to is wearing my eye glasses for two solid weeks prior to the procedure. My glasses are thick and UGLY. #embarrassing
- My Children: Can I simply take a minute to say how incredibly proud I am of my two daughters? They are both officially on their own, so to speak, and making decisions that I am proud of. They are being responsible adults and doing things that will better their lives. I love them both so much! Here is one of my favorite quotes for you: “Children do not know how their parents love them, and they never will till the grave closes over those parents, or till they have children of their own.” ~Edmund Vance Cooke
The post, Fame & Shame #21, first appeared on Ata-Girl Photography Co.’s website and blog. Please feel free to comment here, or share this post with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Please email me if you have any questions about this article or want to share a neat idea for a future blog post with me.