A Grateful Bride
Warning. I’m writing this blog and offering these tips as if we were not in the middle of a pandemic. Regarding some of the advice given, you might not obviously want to have a “special party” right now and hugging is probably ill-advised.
Any bride will agree that getting engaged sets in motion a flurry of calls, texts, emails, dinners, drinks, tiktoks, snapchats, parties, drinks and gifts. It also is about the exact time that anxiety, stress, anguish, apprehension, concern, panic and trepidation sets in. As happy as any bride is to be engaged, planning a wedding in an incredibly overwhelming endeavor—no matter their level of craftiness, organization or excitement.

If you want to be viewed as a graceful, beautiful bride, here is some advice to follow. Too often I see or hear of brides (not mine) getting swept away in a tidal wave of furry and stress over the demands of planning a wedding. There are a lot of needles to thread to get that perfect day that has been dreamed about for so long.
They often say gratitude equals attitude. It’s so true!
Tips on Being a Grateful Bride
Here are some tips to always remain grateful during your wedding planning process.
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- Start a gratitude journal. There may be times when you begin to feel off-track or misguided. If you are recording what you are grateful for each day, this may be a steadfast way to remind yourself of your blessings and get yourself back on track.
- If you’re not the journaling type, every so often make a quick mental accounting of everything this is going as planned. Be thankful and mindful of that.
- Properly ask your bridal party to be a part of your day. An invitation to lunch, a drink or a movie is a solid move. There are tons of super cute ideas on Pinterest about how to ask with bona fide gifts and props. You can accomplish this either individually with each bridesmaid/groomsmen or all together during a special party. A Facebook message or text does not qualify as properly asking.
- Respect everyone’s time when you are asking them to do something. If one of your bridesmaids is still a college student and only available weekends or a mother to young children, give them at least a week’s notice if you need to meet them for something. You can’t expect anyone to drop everything because you are planning a wedding. Be mindful.
- If your bridal party is paying for their own attire, don’t have them buy a dress early on and then change your mind about what they’ll wear on your big day—EVEN if you offer to pay for the subsequent dresses, shoes, hairpieces, etc. NO ONE wants a bridesmaid dress that they didn’t select for themselves, EVEN if it was ultimately free.
- I’ll go old school on this one. This is a lost art. Send thank you cards. Yes, you should write and deliver heartfelt, hand-written thank you cards to anyone who helped you plan your big day. Why does no one do this anymore? Be appreciative; be humble. Share your love and show exactly how delighted you are.
- When you can’t send a written card, offer a sincere, verbal thank you. Also, hugs are not overrated; they are often appreciated and welcomed.
- Everyone knows how excited you are about your wedding, but try not to let that be your only topic for conversation. Show interest in others’ personal lives.
- Even though you are engaged and you are having a wedding, remember is not always about you.
- Always be nice and courteous to your vendors. They are hired help, but do not treat them as “hired help.”
- Maintain perspective in everything you do. The goal is to be married to the love of your life at the end of the day. If that happens, then everything went perfectly, right? When things seem to be going awry, stay calm, cool and collected and ask yourself, “Will this negatively impact my marriage or life after the wedding?” If the answer is no, then find a diplomatic way to deal with whatever the “obstacle” is.
The bottom line is, grateful brides are happier brides. Happy brides are beautiful brides.
Beautiful brides take beautiful photos!
Be a beautiful bride.
The post, Tips on Being a Grateful Bride, first appeared on Ata-Girl Photography Co.’s website and blog. Please feel free to comment here, or share this post with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Please email me if you have any questions about this article or want to share a neat idea for a future blog post with me.