I’ve been watching experts share their knowledge and expert advice since 2010. I have invested hundreds of dollars in my own Creative Live library. I have friends who have been students on Creative Live, but I never thought that I would be a student myself. However, that all changed in February when Rocco Ancora invited the participants of his WPPI Plus Class to attend the March taping of his Creative Live class: From Capture to Print

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What a surprise it was to be learning, yet again, from a Nikon Ambassador and one of the world’s top wedding photographers AND be flanked in the student seating area by another—Roberto Valenzuela. I happened to walk into the Creative Live offices at the same time as him, but assumed that Creative Live would be simultaneously taping two classes. I was wrong. He immediately addressed us and told us he was also here to learn from the master, Rocco. He said he was “practicing what he preached.” 

It was refreshing to personally witness someone with as much skill, mastery and notoriety as Roberto freakin’ Valenzuela “walk the walk.” After all, not only is he one of the world’s top wedding photographers, he is also a Canon Explorer of Light AND the world’s top-selling author in the “wedding photography” book category. 

Honestly, when does this ever happen? Taught by one master and joined in the class by another?

In all my years pursuing a career as a professional photographer, I have been blessed each and every step. Early on, I was taught, and thankfully accepted, that top-notch education is vitally important in this industry. One in six people in the United States claim to be a photographer in some capacity… hobbyist to professional. There is a dire need to constantly set yourself apart from your “competition.” Education is the one thing that most of these one in six “photographers” do not invest in. In the end, who suffers? The client.

I attend at least two or three workshops annually, and this was a top-notch educational experience!!

Creative Live Recap

During the two-days of taping, we covered every single aspect of printing an image. Why? When? How? Where? On what? With who? And about 17-million other minuscule details in between all of those broader topics. I can say there were times when we dove into aspects of post-processing or printing that were over my head; however, Rocco was able to break it down into terms even I could understand. 

Photographs are meant for papers, not computer screens. — Rocco Ancora


It was enlightening to increase my understanding about archival permanence, color gamuts, color management, and paper standards. It was mind-blowing to bear witness to Rocco’s Photoshopping® genius. If Adobe® doesn’t sponsor Rocco, well, shame on them. They should.

Being on Creative Live was a positive experience. I was able to learn more about capturing, post-processing and printing. I made a few new photographer friends from even more corners of the United States AND Canada! As a bonus, I got to visit shop at the flagship Seattle REI®. However, I missed seeing Tanya!

If you are in any creative, entrepreneurial business, check out Creative Live. I am sure they have some sort of class that can help you in your business endeavors. They have something for everyone.

The post, Creative Live Recap, first appeared on Ata-Girl Photography Co.’s website and blog. Please feel free to comment here, or share this post with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Please email me if you have any questions about this article or want to share a neat idea for a future blog post with me.