Country Engagement Session
I met Laura and Jordan for their country engagement session at my dad’s barn… the barn he has always wanted. I figured this would be a great backdrop for their country engagement session. The barn is beautiful and it happens to live near a bona fide country dirt road and an open pasture with the most beautiful sunsets. This would be perfect to set the stage for telling their love story.

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Laura and Jordan met four years ago in college at in Kerrville, Texas. Laura describes Schreiner University as a super small campus more along the lines of a high school campus. Everyone knows everyone. Laura and Jordan would see each other around campus often but it wasn’t until after December, 2013 that they would say more than hi to each other. They officially starting dating in January of the following year when Jordan sang a song to her that he wrote. Laura was impressed by his romanticism and confesses that she knew she loved him at that exact moment.
After dating for a year-and-a-half, Jordan planned an immaculate proposal. Knowing what a competitive spirit Laura has—equal to his own, he planned a fake scavenger hunt in New Braunfels with his family. They frequently have game nights, so this was nothing out of the ordinary. They were to begin hunting things like fire hydrants and yellow Volkswagon Bugs promptly at 6:00pm and were to be finished and meet at Landa Park by 7:00pm. During the whole time, Jordan seemed to be stalling and was taking his time finding the items for the scavenger hunt. Laura became increasingly agitated and worried that they would not win. She kept after him, “Jordan, hurry! We have to win! You’re going too slow!”

After they had gathered everything on the list, Laura was sure of their victory and they made their way to Landa Park. When they arrived at the gazebo, the designated meeting place, no one was there. Jordan pretended to be worried and started to make calls to his family. No one answered the phone, but they eventually found them standing beside the river with their backs turned to Laura and Jordan. As they walked to approach them, Laura was talking and looking down at her feet and noticed that there is a man—wearing a shirt identical to the one she bought her father on Father’s Day, and a woman who resembled her own parents, but she didn’t really think much of it—after all, she was sure that she had just won the family game of scavenger hunting and actually agreed with Jordan that it would be weird if they were there. When she finally and definitely identified her brother as being in the group, she knew her family was there, but thought to herself that they would just have a bigger and better family game night.
Then, the next thing she knew, Jordan was on a knee telling her how much he loves her. She looked back at the family group and they have now turned around to face them with signs reading, “Will you marry me?” Immediately, Laura accepted and began to cry and then they joined their families near the river after the perfect proposal.
Lur and Jor, as they affectionately refer to each other, will wed on October 8, 2016 in Boerne, Texas at the CW Ranch. I love October weddings!
And lastly, I’d like to extend a big “hooah” out to Jordan who also happens to be a soldier in the United States Army! Please keep him safely in your prayers until he ETS’s later this year… in perfect time for their hill country wedding.
Country Engagement Session
If you’d like to see all the images from this portrait session, please enjoy this video.
The post, Laura & Jordan’s Country Engagement Session, first appeared on Ata-Girl Photography Co.’s website and blog. Please feel free to comment here, or share this post with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. Please email me if you have any questions about this article or want to share a neat idea for a future blog post with me.